The maddest of mad scientists, Magnus Danger Magnus, returns for FRINGE WORLD 2023 with a brand new, all ages electromagnetic extravaganza in KABOOM!
He’s exploded his way across the country, lighting fires on stage and setting kids’ curiosity ablaze; now he’s built a fascinating new set of gizmos and gadgets guaranteed to electrify!
Utililsing a fascinating array of scientific gadgets, join this Perth fan-favourite and multi award-winning entertainer for this incredible conglomeration of explosions, experiments, hilarity and audience participation in a 60 minute science spectacular!
Chaotic mayhem abounds in this stunningly stylish S.T.E.M. show with 10 times the spectacle and 20,000 times the voltage of the science classes at school! This is an absolutely feast for the senses, and educational entertainment at its absolute best!